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Pansol Choir at the 1st LNK Homecoming Congress

Last Saturday, July 16, I had a blast from the past.

The Landas ng Karunungan (LNK) held its first ever Homecoming Congress at the Cafetorium of Miriam College. Past and present scholars, tutors, benefactors and guests were present to attend the said event.

The Pansol Choir was one of the groups that performed during the program. We also led the singing during the Eucharistic Celebration, which capped off the whole-day event.

The LNK Program is one of the major projects in the Parish of Sta. Maria Della Strada that has been running for 35 years. It was such a big part of me. I couldn’t help but smile and feel proud as I look back at those times when I was still an LNK Scholar myself. The fun learning activities, sharing and making friends – all of these and more are, I am sure, what the scholars and tutors of today are experiencing with LNK as I saw in them the energy, the eagerness to learn and help and the potential to succeed which define a true LNK Scholar/Tutor. Big thanks to the four Solo Parents who initiated the LNK Program and heeded the call of our late parish priest, Fr. Pat Lim. Rather than forever mourn in deep sorrow for the loss of their loved ones, they instead collaborated and started helping students and out-of-school youth in our parish. To date, over 4,000 elementary, high school and college students who went under the LNK Program have graduated and progressed in their own lives and career. It was indeed a milestone and a cause for celebration.

I, together with Pearl Gonzales, Bong Atibagos, Catrina Devisfruto, John Foronda, and Crisaelle Carlos and the other members of Pansol Choir who became part of LNK, am and will always be grateful to our dear Titas, Ates and Kuyas for all our memories with them. Truly, this event inspired us to continue to support and giveback our Time, Talent and Treasure as former LNK and volunteer servants of our parish and celebrate the love of God as we SING (Serve, Inspire, Nurture and Giveback) together.

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