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PC Roadmap and Compass 2020

Like our own individual lives, choir life is a journey. Our Vision sets out what we want to become and our Mission sets out why we exist as a Choir.

In order for us to know where to go and how close we are to our destination, we need a ROADMAP.

In five years time, we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Choir. As we approach the Choir’s Golden Jubilee, we have dedicated each year as follows:

In order for us to stay on track and not lose direction, we need a COMPASS.

Our COMPASS is our CORE VALUES. Our 10 Core Values shall guide us in our every plan, decision and action throughout our journey as channels of God’s LOVE.

Our Compass reflects Jesus and His PERFECTION: His Sacrifice, His Obedience, His Love. Let HIM guide and light our way.

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