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Pansol Choir: Vision, Mission & Core Values

"Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord." - Ephesians 5:19

Last year, we unveiled the newly developed PANSOL Choir's Vision, Mission and Core Values. This set of principles is now on its way to becoming an integral part of the Choir's ever-dynamic identity since its inception in 1970. Moving forward, these principles shall guide us in everything we do as a Choir and as we sing together for the greater glory and honor of God.

Our Vision

We strive to be a world-class organization passionate about touching the lives of our members, audiences and communities through meaningful choral experiences.

A World-Class Organization.

We are a group of individuals sharing a common passion and aspiring to be a "world-class” organization with high standards of leadership, performance, commitment and maturity.

This sets out what we want to become as an organization: THE BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES FOR THE GREATER GLORY AND HONOR OF GOD.

Passionate about Touching the Lives of our Members, Audiences and Communities.

We share a common passion of positively touching the lives of other people. We believe that this gives us more meaning and a better sense of purpose and direction.


Meaningful Choral Experiences.

What further binds us together is our passion for choral music. We do not sing in a choir just to sing. We sing to experience meaningful singing... together. Through singing, we seek and find meaning in our own personal lives in communion with God and others.

This sets out what we want to experience and share with one another: A CHORAL EXPERIENCE THAT ACTIVATES SERVICE, INSPIRATION, NURTURE, AND GENEROSITY.

Our VISION, therefore, sets out what we want to become when we SING: PERFECTED CHANNELS OF GOD’S LOVE.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." - 1 John: 4:7

Our Mission

We are committed to:

  • Serving God and His Church through our musical talents;

  • Inspiring our fellowmen through high-quality interpretations of choral music;

  • Nurturing the spiritual and personal growth of our members through Christ-centered activities; and

  • Giving back to our communities through charitable programs and volunteer work.

SINGING now has a deeper meaning for all of us. Being a church/community-based choir allows us to redefine singing with much depth. It calls and motivates us to ACTS of LOVE and align our activities and programs with our four (4) Mission Areas, namely: (1) to SERVE; (2) to INSPIRE; (3) to NURTURE; and (4) to GIVEBACK. Through these 4 Mission Areas, we are given the opportunity to put into action the love we know and speak of.

Our MISSION, therefore, sets out why we SING: WE SING TO EXPRESS GOD’S LOVE IN ACTION.

“We must stop expressing love merely by our words and manner of speech; we must love also in action and in truth.” – 1 John 3:18.

Our Core Values

We are guided by:

P - Prayer

E - Excellence

R - Respect

F - Friendship

E - Enthusiasm

C - Compassion

T - Trust/Teamwork

I - Integrity

O - Optimism

N - Never-failing Love

Prayer. We believe that Prayer is a form of worship that brings us closer to God in praise and adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication and intercession. Prayer reminds us that we need God's graces. It strengthens our faith in God.

Excellence. We believe in always giving more than what we are expected and being the best that we can be.

Respect. We always see and celebrate the value in ourselves and others.

Friendship. We always value the real bond that we have established among ourselves and the bond we will establish with new ones.

Enthusiasm. We keep ourselves inspired, always having the intense willingness and eagerness.

Compassion. We demonstrate genuine concern with one another, always caring and understanding.

Trust/Teamwork. We believe in one another’s integrity, character and capability. We maintain ourselves to be always reliable and trustworthy. We are team-players, always collaborative with one another.

Integrity. We are always consistent with our thoughts, words and actions; we walk the talk.

Optimism. We always choose to have a positive outlook, which allows us to persist, to be resilient, and to inspire those around us.

Never-failing Love. We firmly believe that LOVE activates, empowers and encourages the growth of the other core values; that LOVE is the ultimate facilitator; that without LOVE, we are nothing at all. LOVE never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).

Our Core Values are our guiding principles on how we can sing meaningfully: with PERFECTION, with LOVE, with GOD.

The best reflection of God's perfection is Jesus himself. Jesus was “perfected” through sacrifice, obedience and love (Hebrews 2:10, 5:8-9). PERFECTION, as used in this context, means “complete” and “mature.” When Jesus said, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48), He was saying, "Let your love be complete as God’s love." This is how we can be as "perfect" as the Father: our love for our fellowmen needs to grow and mature.

As we humbly recognize our individual imperfections and limitations, we also realize our need for God's graces and continue to aspire for our own “perfection”, maturity and completeness. Our 10 Core Values, therefore, shall be our strong foundation for our every plan, decision and action. These values shall be our compass in our journey of becoming perfected channels of God's love as we touch other people’s lives through singing together.

This is our dream, our commitment, and our invitation to all those who wish to join and SING with us:

BE PERFECTED CHANNELS OF GOD’S LOVE. SING with PERFECTION, because God, who is the source of all graces, deserves nothing less but our best.



“The one who does not love does not know God; for God is Love.” – 1 John 4:8

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